Colin Kaepernick, Nessa Diab On Parenthood, Partnership And New Book

Kaepernick Media

From the outside, the new work We Are Free, You & Me seems like an ordinary, cheery children’s book. It’s colorful in its gorgeous, heartwarming illustrations, done by Gladys Jose, but inside its pages, the book delivers a powerful message to children about the true meaning of freedom, their rights, and their value in this complicated world.

The book is written by athlete, activist, and New York Times bestselling author Colin Kaepernick and his partner, activist and radio host Nessa Diab, and is distributed by Scholastic. Parents to a little girl, the pair are inspired now more than ever when it comes to knowing the importance of the work they do to call out injustice and equip the youth with what they need to continue such essential work. It’s what they already do with their Know Your Rights Camp, and it’s something they wanted to spread further through the book. All proceeds from the We Are Free will go to the Know Your Rights Camp.

“We wanted to create something that not only our own children could learn from but also a resource for families everywhere to have important conversations about freedom, rights, and community,” he tells ESSENCE.

We spoke with Kaepernick and Diab about empowering the youth, how parenthood has changed them, and why, amid a stressful election season and injustices making headlines left and right, this is the perfect time for We Are Free, You & Me.

Exclusive: Activism Work Can Be ‘Difficult And Isolating,’ So Colin Kaepernick And Nessa Diab Lean On Each Other

ESSENCE: Since I received a copy of We Are Free, You & Me, my 4-year-old has been really drawn to it. What message do you want to send to youth like him through this work?

So glad to hear your 4-year-old is drawn to our book! Our message to young readers, like your child, is that they have the power to be free in their thoughts, actions, and identity. We want them to understand that they deserve to dream big, to stand up for themselves and others, and to embrace their individuality. It’s important for children to know from an early age that their voices matter and that they can be part of creating a more just and inclusive world.

Colin, this is not your first children’s book. What is behind the passion you have for delivering these empowering messages to kids versus an adult audience?

Empowering kids from a young age is so crucial because the ideas and values they absorb early on shape their entire lives. If we can help them realize their power, they’ll grow up equipped to challenge injustice and create meaningful change. Even our nonprofit, Know Your Rights Camp, which inspired this book, is deeply rooted in our mission to empower youth: We aim to advance the liberation and well-being of Black and Brown communities through education, self-empowerment, mass mobilization, and by building new systems that nurture and elevate the next generation of change-makers.

Did becoming parents play a role in the desire to create this story? And what do you love most about parenthood?

Absolutely! I love being a father, and being a girl dad is incredible. I do my best to create a loving and nurturing environment for our daughter who is a toddler now. I’m always asking myself how I can be better for her. For Nessa and myself, becoming parents has deepened our understanding of the responsibility we have to teach the next generation.

Exclusive: Activism Work Can Be ‘Difficult And Isolating,’ So Colin Kaepernick And Nessa Diab Lean On Each Other
Amari Kenoly for Kaepernick Publishing

A page in the book says, “You can weather the storm on your path and not stray.” How do you both weather the storms together that have come while doing your activism work and stay encouraged?

We lean on each other and our community. Community advocacy can be difficult and isolating at times, but having a strong foundation with one another allows us to face those challenges together. We stay encouraged by keeping our focus on the positive impact we’re making. We also remind ourselves that change doesn’t happen overnight and that there will always be storms, but staying true to our values gives us the strength to keep pushing forward.

We’re in the midst of a historic election season, and also of so much ugly rhetoric and painful headlines. Though this is a children’s book, why is this the perfect time for this message?

This is exactly the right time for this message because children are not immune to what’s happening in the world around them. They see, hear, and feel the weight of injustice, even if they can’t always articulate it. We Are Free, You & Me is meant to offer hope and empowerment in the face of challenging times.

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