As Micro Workouts Trend: Why Little & Often Is Key To Health

One of the biggest hurdles when it comes to reaching fitness goals? Lack of time. Any personal trainer worth their weight will tell you that the key to achieving any objective is consistency, but how do you maintain a training routine when you’re juggling a job, family, social life, and general day-to-day responsibilities? Quick answer: Micro workouts.

Also known as exercise snacks, micro workouts are condensed training sessions that take a fraction of the time of a typical workout to complete, and research exploring their efficacy looks positive. One study published in the Sports Medicine and Health Science journal concluded that, in comparison to traditional forms of exercise, micro workouts offer a “viable, time-efficient, and convenient strategy that leads to improvement in cardiovascular fitness, metabolic capacity, and muscular function in sedentary individuals.” In short, they work.

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